how many kills did the average ww2 soldier get

If you go in with cracks, you'll get shattered. Total deaths 3,172. Keep in mind that some of these figures, particularly those from older conflicts, are rough estimates. [216] The German government maintains that the figure of about 2 million deaths is correct because it includes additional post war deaths from hunger and disease of those civilians subject to the expulsions. Bonn 1989. Deaths in battle were 292,131. The most numerous victims were Serbs. Are there documented kill-counts for the front-line soldier? [289], Deaths are 463 Nauruan labourers deported by Japanese authorities to the Caroline Islands. You believe Americans back home could do more to help the war effort. the dates of inclusion for Commonwealth War Dead are 03/09/1939 to 31/12/1947. [135] Total population of USSR in June 1941 was 196.7 million. D. A 1974 study by the German government archives estimated a death toll of about 600,000 of civilians who died as a result of what they call "crimes against international law". and 5,787,352 civilians in casualties. Our War - TV series with footage shot by British soldiers, Thoughts of a Soldier-Ethicist (Lt Col Pete Kilner's blog), US going to hell, says Trump after being charged. 2023 BBC. The Times on November 30, 1945. [193] [345][346][347] In 1995 the Russian Academy of Science published a report that summarized Soviet losses in the war. [184] The Canadian War Museum puts military losses at 42,000 plus 1,600 Merchant Navy deaths. Strategic bombing, Expulsion of Germans [385]

Lo. There were additional deaths of the ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe. for Filipino military war dead was 27,260. Manhattan Project The Number of Deaths in the Second World War by Nation. Syria and Lebanon Hungarian military losses include 110,000men who were conscripted from the annexed territories of Greater Hungary in Slovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia and the deaths of 20,00025,000 Jews conscripted for Army labor units. [196] Jewish Holocaust victims, within 1939 borders, totaled 1,000,000. Military dead 35,077, including: 13,327 killed in the Greco-Italian War of 194041; 1,100 with the Greek Forces in the Mid-East, and 20,650 partisan deaths. [254] Civilian losses of 64,000 included 20,000 during Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Bukovina in 194041;[329] the genocide of Roma people 36,000 deaths;[196] Allied air raids on Romania caused the deaths of 7,693 civilians. [319] [372][373][374] During the Attack on Pearl Harbor 68 U.S. civilians were killed, mostly by friendly fire,[375] and 6 U.S. civilians were killed in Oregon in 1945 by Japanese balloon bombs. WebThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Narben bleiben die Arbeit der Suchdienste 60 Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Berlin Dienststelle 2005 (Published by the Search Service of the German Red Cross. Comparative military ranks You feel youve already done your share in the war, but youre ready to do more. However only 64% of these losses(480,000) were within the 1939 borders of Hungary, military killed were 80,000 and 130,000 in Soviet POW and labor camps, Jewish Holocaust dead were 220,000 and civilian war dead 44,000. These historical documentary are particularly important today so that we Americans can have an insight on the extremes that took place on either side of order and decency. [212] Vadim Erlikman a Russian journalist, estimates losses of Africans in the French Colonial Forces at about 22,000. [203] However, R. J. Rummel estimates 200,000 Ethiopians and Libyans killed by the Italians from the 1920s41, his estimate is "based on Discovery TV Cable Channel Program 'Timewatch'" 1/17/92.[204]. Before you were shipped out, you were able to pass the Army Ground Forces test, which involved a minimum number of push-ups, pull-ups, a 70-yard run carrying a man of equal weight on your back, and a four-mile march in 50 minutes. However inexact many of the figures, their main import is clear. [243][244] It fought in every theater of operationNorth Africa, the Pacific and Europe. An alternative method to determine Soviet war losses is the Russian Military Archives data base of individual war dead. Profit from the additional features of your individual account. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Nazi plunder [201] Small and Singer put the military losses at 5,000. A woman protects a child with her body as Einsatzgruppen soldiers aim their rifles. Greece [309] "We talk about destroying, engaging, dropping, bagging - you don't hear the word killing.". KorsunCherkassy Crete If you go in with the right personal tools, you can come out stronger. Largest armies in the world by active military personnel 2022, U.S. military force numbers 2021, by service branch and reserve component, Countries with the highest military spending 2021, Distribution of race and ethnicity among the U.S. military 2019. Likewise, American Paratrooper Divisions, like the 101st or the 82nd, were heavily involved in very dangerous behind-the-line missions. Behind a curtain of silence: Japanese in Soviet custody, 19451956, Greenwood 1989, Gil Elliot, Twentieth Century Book of the Dead C. Scribner, 1972, Sivard, Ruth Leger World Military and Social Expenditures 1985. J. In 2006 The German government reaffirmed its belief that 2 million civilians perished in the flight and expulsion from Eastern Europe. In East Asia, the victims of famine and pestilence in China are to be numbered in the millions, in addition to other millions of both soldiers and civilians who perished in battle and bombardment. The unit was withdrawn by Spain in 1943. The hardest hit localities were Podgorica, Leskovac, Zadar and Belgrade. The Germans had executed 366 and tortured 39 to death. Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses. In addition you can sort the data by column. [315] Based on a demographic estimate the West German government in 1960 put the total military losses of the Wehrmacht at 4,440,000: 3,760,000 for Germany in 1937 borders; 430,000 conscripted ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe and 250,000 from Austria. Even for all Koreans living in Korea, Japan and Manchuria, the impact of World War II on the trend and level of mortality is not likely to have been significant.

[164] Included with total war dead are victims of Japanese war crimes. And that was war.". Your unit is fighting to break out of the German encirclement of allied forces that have moved inland from the Normandy beaches. [111] Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at 90,000100,000 of the 1.0 million persons deported and 30,000 executed by the Soviets. The 'Debt of Honour Register' from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission lists the men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the two world wars. You are five feet, eight inches tall, and you weigh 144 pounds. Prisoners of War and Civilian American Citizens Captured and Interned by Japan in World War II: The Issue of Compensation by Japan Updated December 17, 2002",'civilians%20interned%20by%20japan, "G. I. Krivosheev Rossiia i SSSR v voinakh XX veka: Poteri vooruzhennykh sil; statisticheskoe issledovanie OLMA-Press, 2001 ISBN 5-224-01515-4 Table 176", "The 'Debt of Honour Register' from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission",, "United States Dept. [48], The figures in the table below are from The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. For the USSR the numbers a bit sketchy, considering that most of the army was destroyed and rebuilt several times over 1941. Operation Inherent Resolve: 109 (2014-present, primarily in Iraq, Syria, and Libya) It is estimated, The first commercial flight in history has a precise date. [55][18], The 1943 famine in Ruanda which took 300,000 lives was due to a local drought and the harsh wartime policies of the Belgian colonial administration to increase food production for the war effort in the Congo. Germany (West). [234] [312] Polish military casualties. I knew I had a job to do. [25] In 1956 The German government estimated 5.5 million of deaths directly caused by the war in 1937 borders. "He had an AK47 and he was going to kill me. The Russian News Agency RIA Novosti puts the military losses of Tajikistan at 90,000 killed. "The German Army and the Racial Nature of the War Against the Soviet Union"",,, "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. [55], Belgian government sources reported that military war dead included 8,800 killed, 500 missing in action, 200 executed, 800 resistance movement fighters and 1,800 POWs. Soviet sources list the deaths of 474,967 of the 2,652,672 German Armed Forces, Estimated total Soviet military war dead from 194145 on the. In the latter category fall about 5,700,000 Jews, more than half of them from Poland, who died in Nazi concentration and death camps. "[271] The Japanese Ministry of Welfare and Foreign Office reported that 347,000 military personnel and civilians were dead or missing in Soviet hands after the war. The (IPN) also reported that the Germans conscripted 250,000 Polish nationals into the Wehrmacht, 89,300 later deserted and joined the Polish Armed Forces in the West. For example, shooting practise no longer uses bullseyes, but human-shaped cut-outs that pop up unexpectedly. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission maintains a Roll of Honour of those civilians under Crown Protection who died as a result of enemy actions in the Second World War. However, 75% of casualties were caused by artillery or bombs.

Of the 200 passengers and crew aboard, only 32 survived. Sotsiologicheskie issiedovaniya, 12, 1991",, "A. [121] However some western scholars estimate the total at between 1.7 and 2.3 million.[122]. For nations that suffered huge losses such as the Soviet Union, China, Poland, Germany and Yugoslavia, our sources can give us only the total estimated population loss caused by the war and a rough estimate of the breakdown of deaths caused by military activity, crimes against humanity and war related famine. Korean military forces fighting against Japan were the Korean Liberation Army under Chinese Nationalist command and the Korean Volunteer Army which fought with the Chinese Communist guerrillas. The breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274,[142] Navy 62,614,[366] Marine Corps 24,511,[142] United States Coast Guard 1,917,[367][368] and United States Merchant Marine 9,521. In fact, growth in 2021 population had, In the academic year 2021/2022, there were 948,519 international students studying in the United States. Out of 60,000 Indian Army POWs taken at the Fall of Singapore, 11,000 died in captivity. Military prisoners of war and missing He also estimates an additional 1,445,000 deaths due to internal Chinese conflicts. Presse- und Informationsamt. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. In general, it is estimated that the losses were about more than 68 million. [101] The Russian scholar Viktor Zemskov puts the death toll from 19411945 at about 1 million based on data from the Soviet archives. wounded. My great grandfather was very humble & didnt look at it as anything but serving his country. Figures for the individual nations are rounded to the nearest hundredth place. "The experience of killing is huge and powerful. Lend-Lease Mittler, Frankfurt am Main, 1969. Got a purple heart and bronze star, was in Nordwind battle, pushed on through Germany..ended up as occupiers in Austria until shipped homehis unit recieved the Presidential Citation. The Bombing of Zurich by Jonathan E. Helmreich",,, "Cyprus Veterans Association World War II", Diversity is not divisive. [199] You only have access to basic statistics. "How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust? Included in the above figures is the genocide of Roma people of (243) persons,[200] Jewish Holocaust victims totaling (1,000). Military losses by theatre [245] [208] By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. [356][357] Losses of about 300 Swiss in the German Armed Forces are included with German casualties. [5] War dead totals in this article for the British Commonwealth are based on the research of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.[6]. [311][312] [28][222] Sources for total Indian civilian war dead range from 1.5 to 2.5 million as detailed below. [120], Russian sources list Axis prisoner of war deaths of 580,589 in Soviet captivity based on data in the Soviet archives (Germany 381,067; Hungary 54,755; Romania 54,612; Italy 27,683; Finland 403, and Japan 62,069). If for Singapore the figure is also due in part to the total population (700,000 in 1939) it is surprising that larger nations such as Poland and the Soviet Union have a figure so high. Ed. [52], Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the other victims persecuted and killed by the Nazis. Institute of National Remembrance(IPN) Warszawa 2009, [Poland World War II casualties (in thousands), Poland. The, G. I. Krivosheev. Ed. I. The Dutch suffered additional losses in the Far East which were not included in the above figures except for the Navy. 33 Swedish sailors were killed when submarine HMS Ulven was sunk by a German mine on April 16, 1943. Demographic Research, Vol. The 1939 Population is for Germany within 1937 borders and Danzig and Memel Territory which were annexed in 1939, not included with the German population are Austria and the 6,700,000[216] ethnic Germans of Europe.

Lithuania "",, Yad Vashem The Shoah Victims' Names Recovery Project, "File:Hungary 19381947.png Wikimedia Commons",, "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Nitschke contrasted the estimate of 1.6 million deaths in Poland reported in 1958 by the West German government with the more recent figure of 400,000 that was detailed by Rdiger Overmans in 1994. The United States Army Air Forces losses, which are included in the Army total, were 52,173 deaths due to combat and 35,946 from non-combat causes. The Jagannath Battalion took part as engineers to construct tracks, bridges, water points etc. [351] [233] A 2003 report by the German Federal Archive put the total murdered during the Action T4 euthanasia program at 200,000. [55], John W. Dower cites a UN report that estimated 4 million famine and forced labor dead during the Japanese Occupation of Indonesia. [269] The genocide of Roma people was 1,000 persons. Dental technician by trade. 13, No. Civilian losses in territories annexed by USSR are also included in totals of the Baltic states (650,000),[344] Poland (2,000,000),[111][311] Romania (300,000), and Czechoslovakia (50,000). Not included in Japanese war dead are 432,000 Chinese military forces collaborating with Japan. who hitler man elser georg minutes killing missed johann copyright alamy dilip simeon [55], The Brazilian Expeditionary Force war dead were 510,[177] Navy losses in the Battle of the Atlantic were 492. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Sources for total German war dead range from 5.5 to 6.9 million, the lower number are losses in 1937 borders, the higher figure of 6.9 million includes losses of the ethnic Germans in east-central Europe. [353] About 300 Swedish volunteers served in the German Wehrmacht and 3045 were killed in action.

Official Russian figures indicate 4,559,000 POWs and missing, out of which about 500,000 missing were killed in battle, 939,700 were conscripted back into the Soviet army during the war as territories were being liberated,2,016,000 POW survived the war, 1,836,000 POWs are known to have returned to the USSR after the war, this leaves 1,103,300 POW dead and another 180,000 missing POWs who most likely emigrated to other countries. Most populated cities in the US (1790/2023), International Students in US by Country of Origin 1949/2022. Tempest The IPN's figures include 2.7 to 2.9 million Polish Jews who died in the Holocaust as well as 2,770,000 ethnic Poles, other ethnic minorities are not included in these figures. We train people to kill. [6] is the source of the military dead for the British Empire The 'Debt of Honour Register' from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission lists the men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the two world wars. Besides, there were many high ranking Nepalese in the Joint Army HQ. Operation Keelhaul Merchant Marine. Additional deaths due to famine were 2,250,000. Estonia were used depending on the states. [223] According to the German Red Cross the records of the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) list total Wehrmacht losses at 4.3 million men (3.1 million dead and 1.2 million missing) in World War II.

Jewish Holocaust victims totaled 200, these Jews were Yugoslav citizens resident in Albania. Active duty Department of Defense personnel numbers 1995-2021, U.S. total Department of Defense Reserve personnel 1995-2021, U.S. active duty Army personnel numbers 1995-2021, U.S. active duty Navy personnel from 1995-2021, U.S. active duty Air Force personnel 1995-2021, U.S. number of active duty Armed Forces personnel 2021, by age group, U.S. education level of active duty Armed Forces personnel 2021, Gender distribution of U.S. DoD Officers 2021, by service branch, U.S. military active duty officers 2021, by gender and service branch, Occupational roles of women and men in the U.S. military in 2019, U.S. number of DoD active duty personnel 2021, by race, U.S. stationing of active duty Armed Forces personnel 2021, by state, Deployment of U.S. troops in selected world regions 2022, Fallen American soldiers in Iraq up to 2020, Soldiers killed in action in Afghanistan 2001-2021, Number of United States military fatalities in major wars 1775-2022, U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who had used medical cannabis as of 2018, Average benefit forecast of military retirees U.S. 2022-2032, Forecast number of survivors in the U.S. military 2022-2032, Prevalence of tobacco use within 30 days among U.S. veterans 2010-2015, by product, Prevalence of tobacco use among U.S. veterans from 2010-2015, by age, U.S. citizens to the current position of power by the U.S. military, U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan VA health care access frequency as of 2018, Number of soldiers in the U.S. Military by military sector, Geographic stationing of active duty U.S. Armed Forces personnel from 1995-2010, Value of defense burden sharing amount South Korea U.S. 2005-2022, U.S active duty military suicides 1990-2010, Active duty U.S. military personnel numbers, by service branch 2010, Americans' opinions on reinstating the military draft in 2011, by age, Opinion on relocating American troops from Germany to Poland 2020, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. Featured image: U.S. Army paratroopers (Department of Defense), Become a Saturday Evening Post member and enjoy unlimited access. The names of individual U.S. military personnel killed in World War II can be found at the U.S. National Archives. A number that returned to growth after there were about, What is the most spoken language in the world?

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how many kills did the average ww2 soldier get