examples of bad mothers in the bible

Consider Abrahams wife, Sarah; Isaacs wife, Rebekah; Hannah, the mother of Samuel; Elizabeth, the mother of John, and of course Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. She was a beautiful Philistine woman,and a successful courtesan. You can read the original gospel account at Salomes story, Or watch the Hollywood version of this story: Ideally, each generation trains the next to live for the Lord by teaching the wisdom found in Gods Word.

Despite this, Maacah must have been a charmer, because she overcame the conditions of her birth and married King Solomons eldest son Rehoboam. Jehoram was succeeded by Athaliahs twenty-two year old son Ahaziah, and her position immediately became much more powerful. Talk about a redemptive story! Her daughter, also named Herodias, saw an opportunity to help her mother get revenge against John and eagerly took it up. Maacahs reign as Queen Mother lasted for only two years, while her son Abijah reigned. She tricked her husband into giving her son the blessing meant for her older son, Esau. She was bound to face violent opposition. Follow your heart mamas to nurture, protect and guide. She was lonely, bored and constantly in the company of an unusually handsome man, a sort of Brad Pitt of the ancient world. African Black Eagle usually lays two eggs, then proceeds to feed only one of the chicks. The older girl called her son Moab, and he was named as the ancestor of the Moabites (see map at right), a tribe with whom the Israelites were often at war. Elizabeth and Mary are mothers in the Bible with powerful stories that demonstrate how Gods plan and purpose for our lives will come to She saw it as gross insubordination. Some Philistine leaders approached Delilah and offered her an immense sum of money if she found out the secret of Samsons strength, which of course they wanted to destroy. Of all the stories about mothers and sons in the Bible, this one is my favorite. So hoard it! Bathshebas story didnt start that way. And its to a mothers benefit to raise wise children. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 5. Bathsheba Mother to the wisest king to sit on the throne of Judah. Although the Bible has examples of bad mothers, they are the exception to the rule. Thanks to a conspiracy, this ruthless queen was finally overthrown and executed just outside the temple in Jerusalem. WebThey became mothers by getting their father drunk and having sex with him as he lay in a drunken stupor ( Genesis 19 ). We need to, as Jude 3 says, Earnestly contend for the faith. As we grow, our faith starts to shape our thoughts, actions, and behaviors and we start living and walking out a purposeful faith. J This content may contain affiliate links. She may have been the illegitimate daughter of Absaloms sister the tragic Tamar, who was raped by her obsessive half-brother Amnon (see the story here). She waited until her husband came home and told him the same story. }); The quote, Let go and let God instructs us to let go of the things in our lives that are out of our control. It now belonged to the king. Philip was a good but rather dull man, and she soon divorced him and married Philips half brother Herod Antipas (who was also her uncle). Can I tell you again?
They believed they were the only surviving members of the human race, and that all other people in the world had been destroyed. Jezebel painted her eyes and adorned her head (2 Kings 9:30). Many believe King Lemuel is King Solomon, son of King David. You wont find Hagars love for her son expressed in any of the popular Mothers Day verses in the Bible but Im convinced her love for Ishmael was abundant. He took a bone from the creatures rib cage and fashioned Woman Eve. Bad Bible Women. Rebekah is a perfect example of a bad mother. Like Eve, he misused his ability to make decisions and did not consider the consequences. Bathsheba had every right to be bitter, angry, and resentful instead, she grew in grace and wisdom of the Lord and passed her knowledge down to her son, and her teachings were recorded in Proverbs 31. What makes a godly mother is the combination of that and her heart for the Lord. When you feel discouraged just remember Octo-Mom. How did they hold up to these verses about moms in the Bible? Shes willing to grow in knowledge through the reading of Gods word and absorbing truth from mature godly mothers. Moab was a pagan nation but Naomi as a widow followed her son there where He met and married Ruth. At one stage her husband Ahab needed a plot of land. Thus both the Moabites and the Ammonites, the Bible proposed, were the result of acts of incest between Lot and his daughters. EveThe original baddie, she made the fatal-for-everyone mistake of listening to the serpents lie that God wasnt telling the truth about the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. In the Bible, there are a lot of examples of bad mothers. Chemically the first 3 years are crucial. Parents, teach your children to be wise with instruction based on Scripture. She is one of the more unknown mothers in the Bible. Herodias was incensed at the injustice of it all. Their children knew the Lord. I really love your comment about letting my God given purpose lead me! Really it isnt the only oneGod has more for us too. WebQuality #1) Possesses a Keen Sense of Discernment. When one of the reptiles in the Garden of Eden spoke to her, suggesting she try something new, she was intrigued (wouldnt you be?). Im wouldnt be surprised if you experience the same Thanks for sharing your thoughts me! The church needs those kinds of mamas too. This is why its important that we take the time to learn from, This is one of my favorite stories about mothers love. We have some of the classiest moms in the world at Church Unleashed . Need help finding fun and productive ways for your kids to engage with the Bible and build their faith? You cant buy wisdom with money, but pursuing this wisdom must be your priority. WebOnly one of the mothers actually does what they said they would do and shares with her child. How did they fulfill the biblical role of a mother? She was the daughter of an evil king and the mother of two competing kings. She and her two daughters live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She arranged the judicial murder of Naboth, and the land was confiscated.

Mothers are counsellors. Though Eve may have eventually turned her life around, Ive ranked her first in the order of wickedness because of all the evils she and her husband unleashed on the world. In 1935 she and one of her sons were killed in a shootout with the FBI. In Isaiah 40:11 it says He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his Remembering the Character of Your Godly Mother Is a Great Incentive to Holding Fast the Scriptures She Taught You 2 Honor your father and motherwhich is the first commandment with a promise 3 so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Read Chapter All Versions Matthew 19:12 What Does the Bible Say About Birth Control? I love the idea of letting Christ become our motivation and making Him the norm. Ill be upfront in saying there is some speculation regarding the identity of King Lemuel. Mothers are influencers, no matter how many Instagram followers they have because they have influence over their children. containerEl: '#fd-form-5e12892937340f00269c5d7e' Verse Concepts. Jezebels body was eaten by hunting dogs, let loose during the sacking of the palace. D espite the passage of time, despite the cultural differences, mothers of the Bible still speak profoundly to us today. Blog, A We can have all the knowledge of faith, but until we take intentional action steps our faith will not grow. Bible references for Athaliah:2 Kings 8:26-29, 9:27-29, 10:12-14, 11:1-16, 2 Chronicles 22:10-23:15. Here are four great examples of parenting that we can learn from people in the Bible. This vengeful story shows that bad mothers teach their daughters the wrong things, so much so that even children are willing to go against their conscience for them. The single mom who was exiled into the wilderness? She had been given the power of making decisions. Ready for a quick, mothers in the Bible quiz?! After Samuel, she became mother to three more sons and two daughters. 2 Kings 11, 2 Timothy 1:5-6, Esther 4:14, Genesis 19, Mark 14:8, Proverbs 31:27, Proverbs 31:30, Romans 12:3, Sermon Topics: This was not the Israelite way, as she soon found. Shes not alone though. 9. Consider this section a. Im curious how familiar you are with them. WebGood Men with Bad Children. It is hard to know how much of what happened was pre-arranged, but at Antipas birthday dinner the young Salome danced, and pleased her step-father mightily. There are two starving moms Advice for Mothers from the Bible The two young men who had been their promised husbands were dead, and the young women saw no hope of ever having children of their own. Antipas immediately granted it. Wise children, even as they grow older, still respect their parents. The noise, smoke and tumult were terrifying and all the time, they could not look back to where they had come from, to the home they had left. In the 1930s she was seen as one of the highest criminals in America. These 4 mothers are known as the 4 mothers of the Bible.

This was a black mark against her with the powerfulpriests of Yahweh in Israel. Egypt invaded, and Rehoboams army was unable to repel them. Ironically, the same king who forbade the practice, visited her home in disguise the night before he died in an attempt to divine whether he would prevail against his arch enemiesthe Philistines. I love how beautifully these lyrics reflect that. 2. She was a cunning and powerful woman who sought to settle her scores. Why was Samson so strong? Thus Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King Jehoram and wife of Jehoiada the priest, because she was a sister of Ahaziah, hid him from Athaliah, so that she did not put him to death. In her new book Wicked Women of the Bible (Zondervan, 2015), Ann tells the stories of 20 wicked and wicked good women in greater detail. O There were lots of praying moms in the Bible but the story of Hannah always stands out to me. At a young age she married the crown prince of Judah, Jehoram. Maybe you dont have a mother who would rejoice over your desire for godly wisdom, but, in a sense, you do. What is known is that the family was politically astute Jesus called Antipas the fox. What Does the Bible Say About Cutting Ties with Family? The Garden of Eden was lost as it continues to be lost, every day, in our world. Need help finding fun and productive ways for your kids to engage with the Bible and build their faith? Click here to view the Ultimate list of Mothers Day and Birthday gifts for Christian moms! After Josephs release, he became one of the most powerful men in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. And though he wanted to put him to death, he feared the people, because they held It can be hard to be a mother. Try, The Incomparable Value Of Expository Preaching, Mothers Day 2017 - "Bad Moms Of The Bible". I have to text everyone else back., Theres another story were a daughter texts her mother: Mom I got an A in chemistry?, The mother responds with a simple: WTF!, Daughter quickly writes back, Mom, do you know what WTF means?, The mom places a smiley emoji and says, Of course, that means WOW THATS FANTASTIC.. The ten tribes broke away, leaving Rehoboam with only two tribes (Judah and Benjamin) and his capital, Jerusalem. This mother unfortunately has become one of the few examples of bad mothers in the Bible. M Is she human or goddess? But the dogs had got to her first, and all that remained of this royal woman was her head and her hands. We do after-all see Scripture of her pleading to God on his behalf. Her story is full of trauma. The most common ones youve probably heard in the sermons on Mothers in the Bible. Assembly Of God. Lots family and servants were captured by one of these kings, and only saved when Abraham came to rescue them. The little group fled, and as they hurried away sulphur and fire began to rain from the sky.

Verse Concepts He

Thats such a lie. 20+ Mentionable Mothers in the Bible. She made her choice, deciding to seek knowledge of good and evil rather than be obedient to Gods command. Queen-priestesses in the ancient world wore ritual make-up and wig, as in this scene from the movie Cleopatra. Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old. It was a dangerous choice the quest for knowledge should always be balanced by wisdom. But its still wise to listen and respect parents. Map of ancient Israel showing Moab and Ammon. Hes gone to war in Afghanistan, felled towering trees, and parsed Greek verbs. Ruth was Naomis daughter-in-law. We may earn a small fee from products we recommend at no charge to you. Eventually they came to the land of Canaan, and Lots family and Abrahams parted company their flocks had grown so large it was no longer practical to travel together. Since necromancy was strictly forbidden by King Saul, she risked death whenever she practiced her craft. Its possible that the boys were killed by Jehus followers, and that Athaliah managed to save herself but was later blamed for the carnage. 89027, A Look at Examples of Bad Mothers in the Bible, Rebekah and Isaac: The Manipulative Mother, Jezebel and Daughter: The Self-Centered Mother, Herodias and Daughter: The Vindictive Mother, Christmas Traditions To Start Practicing In Your Family. The Woman of SamariaThe Jews and Samaritans had formed a mutual hatred society long before Jesus encountered this woman by herself at a well. I get that they were hungry, but Most mothers in the Bible are loving, caring women who go above and beyond to protect and care for their children. There are no perfect parents, and imperfect parents that fear and love God like David may find consolation in the Bibles examples that many good or great men had unfaithful children. Thats a pretty good model of repentance if you ask me. We are made for it. It means not fighting in our own physical strength but instead; trusting and leaning into Gods might. When it comes to bad moms in the Bible these two take the cake: Herodias. WebHannah is one of the best examples of praying mothers in the Bible. She turned her body and looked back and died instantly, as her body turned from warm living flesh into dry, lifeless salt. Maacah was a royal princess, but one born under a cloud. She knows God. They decided to use trickery to get themselves pregnant. Yet when I finally dived into this world of motherhood, I felt like I was in way over my head. The parent-child relationship changes. Parents get old. After the cataclysm Lot and his two daughters fled up into the hills, where they were safe. Imagine being remembered as the person who severed our relationship with God because you ate something you should not. Of all the stories about, At that moment Naomi took on the role of being a spiritual mama to Ruth, teaching her who God was, what it meant to live for Him, and how to live set-apart as the Hebrew people were called to be. You are a great mom! Read Maacah: beloved wife, devoted mother: why is she a villainess in the Bible? Contact me: openbibleinfo (at) gmail.com. 10. Not too long ago my kids were learning about Moses in Sunday school. Then she asked her daughter Salom to perform before Herod and his guests. We hope what you find here will add to your understanding of and appreciation for the Bible. This applies to other affiliate links on this website as well. Now read verse 3 and be introduced to our bad parent. Not the greatest decision. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother (Matt. Or keep reading. Motherhood weighed heavy on the hearts of women in the Bible, but it also weighed heavy on the heart of God. (But note too that the Bibles great heroine Ruth was a Moabite.). What is the role of a mother according to the Bible? According to the story, giving in to the original temptation let death and suffering loose in the world. Some of the more jaw dropping descriptions are found in Job, Isaiah, and the Psalms. Better than you think . Royal or not, Herodias family wasrat cunning, and Johns harangues were de-stabilizing a politically sensitive country. Learn More. The angels/men warned them not to look back: Flee for your life; do not look back or stop anywhere in the plain; flee to the hills, or else you will be consumed.. Have some of the few examples of praying moms in the Bible these two take time! To sit on the hearts of women in the Bible over your for... In saying there is some speculation regarding the identity of King David to rescue them as one my... The cake: Herodias only two tribes ( Judah and Benjamin ) and his daughters her pleading to God his! 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If we arent intentional, we will never have the time we crave with Jesus. Wow what a great post! If youre looking for, Most people know the story of Bathsheba. The incident was now common knowledge. Soon after she and Antipas were married, John the Baptist began to criticize her for marrying her former husbands brother. Bible reference 1 Kings 15, 2 Chronicles 11:20-23; 15:16. Web57 Bible Verses about Bad Parents Verse Concepts Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. What I do I do to serve the church. Labs We do after-all see Scripture of her pleading to God on his behalf. than her mate, Adam. Herod was so pleased by the young girls dance that he vowed he would give her anything her heart desired, up to half his kingdom. Leah was not Jacobs first choice for a wife. WebThese 4 mothers are known as the 4 mothers of the Bible. What Does the Bible Say About Giving Money to Family? to the invaders, Bible Murders Adult children arent under their parents authority like they used to be. Ladies, you are not a bad mom we have a church filled with incredible, gifted, anointed and appointed moms. Eventually, Ruths husband died and Naomi decided to go back to her homeland. The following guest blogpost is by Ann Spangler (@annspangler). One example of a bad mother from the Bible is Leah. God understands and loves you no matter what you do. She was also very hard on her second son Simeon and often spoke harshly to him. Denomination: Verse Concepts He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently. Despite an appalling record of violence, Samson was a hero to theHebrew settlers who were trying to find a place for themselves in aland already occupied by Canaanites and Philistines. her head and hands. Scripture hints at this in two places: when God says, Be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 2:28) and when Jesus says, go therefore and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Verse Concepts. Wise grown-ups still listen to what their parents have to say and what theyve already said. Ready for a quick. He became a godly man. I can so relate to this. When her husband Ahab died in battle, Jezebels son Ahaziah succeeded to the throne. Read More 5 Ways to Let Go and Let God Handle ItContinue. Some years later Herodias younger brother Agrippa was made a king by the Roman Emperor Caligula Agrippa was a vicious young neer-do-well, much like Caligula, and the two young men were close friends. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. The problem was she had no son. She gives hope to every lady who is still waiting to have a child. Entire Muslim Family Has Vision Of Jesus Tells Them Something Only He Would Know! Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding. The more God separates me from that mentality the more I understand how powerful our impact can be even just at home. Helping Women Gain Confidence In Bible Study. Now as the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried out to him, saying, Help, my lord, O king! And he said, If the Lord will not help you, how shall I help you? We must learn to trust God, not the earthly outcome; because God is sovereign even when the earthly outcome is devastating. Mary became a mother in unique circumstances.

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examples of bad mothers in the bible