acer truncatum seed oil

Res. However, the lack of a complete genome sequence has limited both basic and applied research on A. truncatum.We describe a high-quality draft genome assembly comprising 633.28 Mb (contig N50 = 3 and 4), suggesting that they have an important role in UFA biosynthesis.

Dysregulation of Myosin Complex and Striated Muscle Contraction Pathway in the Brains of ALS-SOD1 Model Mice. (2016). (2012). Res.

Non-specific binding sites in the PVDF membrane were blocked by incubating with 5% skim milk followed by antibody incubation: STAT1 (1:1,000, proteintech), CD9 (1:1,000, abcam), FINC (1:1,000, abcam), BDNF (1:1,000, abcam), DM1A (1:1,000, Sigma), p-TrkB (1:1,000, Sigma), TrkB (1:1,000, Biovision), p-ERK (1:1,000, Cell Signaling Technology), ERK (1:1,000, proteintech), p-Akt (1:1,000, Cell Signaling Technology), Akt (1:1,000, Cell Signaling Technology), p-CREB (1:1,000, Cell Signaling Technology), CREB (1:1,000, Cell Signaling Technology), PSD95 (1:1,000, abcam), GluNR1 (1:1,000, abcam), GluA1(1:1,000, abcam), Synaptophysin (1:1,000, abcam), Synapsin-II (1:1,000, abcam). Erucic acid improved the learning memory in the model of scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment mice by enhancing the protein level of p-ERK, p-CREB, and p-Akt in the hippocampus (Kumar and Sharma, 2020). Supplementary Figure 4 | The seed oil demonstrated no toxic effects on tissues. All data were expressed as mean SEM. The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites was significantly enriched after 115 DAF. Additionally, the C16:0-ACP or C18:0-ACP can be further catalyzed by SAD to generate C16:1-ACP or C18:1-ACP; three SAD genes were identified and highly expressed, especially SAD1 (Figs. However, the seed oil markedly increased these postsynaptic proteins in aging mice (Figures 5AD). School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, China. Chromosome-specific accumulation of aneuploidy in the aging mouse brain. In conclusion, we discovered that acer truncatum seed oil improved cognitive deficits of aging mice by multiple pathways containing inflammation, synapse, BDNF/TrkB signaling, and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. Therefore, its necessary to look for natural food supplements to extend the healthy lifespan of aging people. In addition, genes encoding key enzymes and TFs involved in the biosynthesis and metabolism of FAs and TAG were successfully identified. The names of the repository/repositories and accession number(s) can be found below: The LC-MS/MS data of proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium ( via the iProX partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD024948. ), oxidative stress (Caveolin-1 and Nqo1), inflammation (Kng1, STAT1, Plg, and Vtdb, etc. The volcano plot revealed that oil-treatment induced only 2 proteins up-regulation (red dots) and 59 proteins down-regulation (green dots) in the aging mice (Supplementary Figure 3A). Regulation of FA biosynthesis has been shown to occur at multiple levels, among which transcriptional regulation is considered a major means of regulating the pathway (Millar et al., 2000). Plant. Cluster 1 (n = 23) including proteins was mainly down-regulated in the aging control compared to the young control. Sci. STAT1, CD9, and FINC were up-regulated in the aging control mice, but they were reversed by seed oil treatment, which found by proteomics analysis and proved by western blotting (Figures 3G,H). FAD genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, Sesamum indicum, Glycine max, and O. europaea were downloaded from NCBI. PDHC = pyruvate dehydrogenase complex; ACCase = acetyl-CoA carboxylase; MCMT = malonyl-CoA-ACP transacylase; KASI/II/III = ketoacyl-ACP synthase I/II/III; KAR = ketoacyl-ACP reductase; HAD = hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydrase; EAR = enoyl-ACP reductase; SAD = stearoyl-ACP desaturase; FAD2/6 = oleate desaturase; FAD3/7/8 = linoleate desaturase; FATA/B = acyl-ACP thioesterase A/B; PCH = palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase; LACS = long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase; LPCAT = lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase; GK = glycerol kinase; GPAT = glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; LPAAT = 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; PAP = phosphatidic acid phosphatase; DGAT = diacylglycerol acyltransferase; PDAT = phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase. (2003). Age-related cognitive impairment and onset of AD were prevented by given oleic acid supplements in humans (Snowden et al., 2017). Biochem. All data were expressed as mean SEM, n = 3 mice/group. Cell. In the present study, we found that acer truncatum seed oil improved learning and memory of aging mice, with multiple mechanisms including activation of BDNF/TrkB signaling pathway, up-regulated postsynaptic related proteins expression, and down-regulated inflammatory factors mRNA level. Meanwhile, the oil treatment had no effects in the mRNA levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 and IL-13 in aging mice (Figures 6E,F). The clean reads were mapped to the A. truncatum genome we sequenced previously (Ma et al., 2020), with an average mapping percentage of 90.39% per sample. The heat map is displayed according to log10 [fragments per kilobase per million (FPKM) + 1] values. To identify the major biological pathways active in developing A. truncatum seeds, the DEGs were mapped to the reference pathways in KEGG. J. The DAVID version 6.8 was used for GO enrichment analysis, which shown that these proteins were involved in the related biological processes including extracellular matrix organization, complement activation, innate immune response and hemostasis, etc. Protein concentration was detected using a BCA protein assay kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, NJ, United States). Thus, synapse-related proteins were detected by western blotting. doi: 10.1016/s0006-3223(01)01083-6, Cho, C. G., Kim, H. J., Chung, S. W., Jung, K. J., Shim, K. H., Yu, B. P., et al. Aqueous enzymatic extraction (AEE) of oil from Acer truncatum Bunge seed kernel was investigated. HE staining of the slice from heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and lung of aging mice with oil treatment or not. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway-related database was used to perform the DEG pathway enrichment analysis (Kanehisa et al., 2008). 14:e1002266. doi: 10.1007/s11010-016-2796-9, Tu, T. H., Kim, H., Yang, S., Kim, J. K., and Kim, J. G. (2019). It was found that the dried seed contained 46.6 percent oil, in which linoleic acid (33.9%), oleic acid (23.8%), and erucic acid (17.2%) were the major fatty acids. Res. 2010 DEGseq: An R package for identifying differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data Bioinformatics 26 136 138 doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp612, Wang, L., Shen, W., Kazachkov, M., Chen, G., Chen, Q., Carlsson, A.S., Stymne, S., Weselake, R.J. & Zou, J. Interv. 2016 Characterization of the fatty acid desaturase genes in cucumber: structure, phylogeny, and expression patterns PLoS ONE 11 e0149917 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149917, Fan, J., Yan, C., Zhang, X. Bootstrap tests were performed with 1000 replicates for statistical reliability. To further understand the basic molecular mechanisms of lipid biosynthesis and metabolism, RNA-seq data were generated from A. truncatum seeds at six developmental stages. Moreover, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signal pathway was activated and the decline of postsynaptic protein expression was also reversed with attenuation of gene expression of IL-1, IL-6, and TNF- in the hippocampus. Oil Chem. Functional and Structural Benefits Induced by Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids During Aging. Aging, characterized by a time-dependent functional decline of physiological integrity, is the major independent risk factor for many neurodegeneration diseases. Small-molecule modulation of neurotrophin receptors: a strategy for the treatment of neurological disease. 2018 Splice variants of the castor WRI1 gene upregulate fatty acid and oil biosynthesis when expressed in tobacco leaves Intl. Acer truncatum seed oil ameliorated cognitive deficits of aging mice. & Maurice, M. 2000 The seed-specific transactivator, ABI3, induces oleosin gene expression Plant Sci. XY and GL conceived the project, designed the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. Nutrients 10:1662 doi: 10.3390/nu10111662, Chung, H. Y., Cesari, M., Anton, S., Marzetti, E., Giovannini, S., Seo, A. Y., et al. Cell. 15, 6467. Increased hippocampal BDNF immunoreactivity in subjects treated with antidepressant medication. Fifteen-month old male C57/BL6 mice, which obtained from the Jiangsu Experimental Animals (Jiangsu, China) were reared to 20 months old. Studying the key stages of seed development and the molecular mechanism of oil synthesis is a critical step in improving the quantity and quality of A. truncatum seed oil. Signal. 27, 639650. Relative to the young control, the proteins in the cluster 3 (n = 65) were up-regulated in the aging control, but they were significantly restored by the seed oil treatment. Although acer truncatum seed oil administration induced only 11 DE proteins in the hippocampus of the young mice, we found that the oil treatment induced 61 DE proteins in the hippocampus of aging mice (Supplementary Table 2). The four comparisons exhibited similar patterns of GO functional classification; however, they differed in enrichment classifications (Supplemental Fig. The oil used in this study is derived from the plant seed of acer truncatum, which is easier to obtain in high quantity. The color of blue represented low abundance, red represented high abundance (n = 4 mice/group). The effects of enzyme type on the extraction yield of oil were studied, and the results showed that the oil yield obtained with pentosanase was higher than that obtained with the other enzymes. The DEGs were assigned to 24 KEGG terms under the six primary categories, including cellular processes, environmental information processing, genetic information processing, metabolism, and organismal systems (Supplemental Fig. & Wei, L. 2015 Automated genome annotation and pathway identification using the KEGG orthology (KO) as a controlled vocabulary Bioinformatics 21 3787 3793 doi: 10.2307/1592215, Millar, A.A., Smith, M.A. WebThe purpose of this study was to adapt an ELISA test for diagnosing of Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus (CLSV) in apple trees. (2012). It is native to China, Mongolia, Japan, and Korea. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2006.04.007, Jolitha, A. WebAcer truncatum seed oil is cold-pressed from the plant seeds of acer truncatum, which is rich in nervonic acid. The heat map is displayed according to log10 [fragments per kilobase per million (FPKM) + 1] values. Neurobiol. A previous study indicated that FAD3/7/8 are -3 desaturases that insert a double bond in linoleic acid (18:2) to synthesize linolenic acid (C18:3) (Wang et al., 2019). 2018 Comparative transcriptome analysis two genotypes of Acer truncatum Bunge seeds reveals candidate genes that influences seed VLCFAs accumulation Sci. The main ingredients of acer truncatum seed oil were listed in Table 1, which included eicosapentaenoic acid, DHA, nervonic acid, linoleic acid, -linolenic acid and vitamin E, which all reported to benefit for the cognition. (B) All DE proteins were analyzed into three clusters by RStudio. 1, the levels of various FAs peaked in the 115 DAF samples). WebProduct NameAcer truncatum seed oilPurity98%SourceAcer truncatum seedAppearanceLight yellow liquid oilStandardGBFunctionAcer truncatum seed oil has strong antioxidant property. 2003 Study on the physico-chemical properties and fatty acid composition of Acer truncatum Buge oil China Oils Fats 28 66 67 (in Chinese), doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1003-7969.2003.03.021, Liu, Y.L., Huang, Z.D., Ao, Y., Li, W. & Zhang, Z.X. In general, the qRT-PCR results for oil biosynthesis genes, except SAD3 and FAD6, displayed a high degree of consistency with the RNA-seq results.

& Yang, K.Q. Front. The slices were stained with hematoxylin for 5 min, rinsed with tap water to remove excess staining solution for 10 min, and then washed again with distilled water. GC (Gas Chromatography) analysis revealed that the oil contained approximately 6.22% nervonic acid. The results will serve as an important foundation for more deeply exploring the regulatory mechanism of oil accumulation in this species and may provide a reference for other oil crops. IL-1 forward primer 5- GCACTACAGGCTCCGAGATGAA-3 and reverse primer 5-GTCGTTGCTTGGTTCTCCTTGT-3. These results suggest that acer truncatum seed oil alleviated inflammatory response in aging mice. 54, 641651. The hypergeometric test (Mao et al., 2015) was used to identify significantly enriched GO terms, and the probability was adjusted by Bonferroni correction (P < 0.05) (Kirk, 2006). & Ito, Y. Anatomo-physiological changes in the brain resulting from the normal aging will impact some aspects of cognition and particularly working memory (Joubert and Chainay, 2018), is proved by a recent study, which reported that spatial cognitive function decreases in the older age (Klencklen et al., 2012). The expression of LEC1 was significantly higher than that of LEC1.1. Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.03.004, Devi, S. A., and Kiran, T. R. (2004). Brain Res. Antioxidants | Free Full-Text | Effective Improvement of the Oxidative Stability of Acer truncatum Bunge Seed Oil, a New Woody Oil Food Resource, By Rosemary Extract | Notes Journals Antioxidants Volume 12 Issue 4 10.3390/antiox12040889 Version Notes Open Access Article Article Versions Notes Acer truncatum seed oil rich in nervonic acid was extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide. 2016 Differential contribution of endoplasmic reticulum and chloroplast-3 fatty acid desaturase genes to the linolenic acid content of olive (Olea europaea) fruit Plant Cell Physiol. For the sake of minimizing animal consumption and the importance of NA for human health, extraction of NA from plants has become a research hotspot. DAF = days after flowering. Acer truncatum seed oil rich in nervonic acid was extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide. Ther. WebAbout acer truncatum bunge seed oil: Discover the amazing benefits of mother natures healing and therapeutic touch by scrolling through our itinerary of acer truncatum bunge seed oil and live a healthy life. Learning and memory are associated with the growth of preexisting and remodeling synapses (Bailey et al., 2015). 9:680386. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.680386. All the animals were provided with adequate food and water, and kept in a standard environment with temperature (22 2C) and a 12 h light-dark cycle. Rev. The level of p-CREB/CREB was significantly up-regulated by acer truncatum seed oil in the aging mouse. Biol. 37 1066 1084 doi: 10.1007/s00344-017-9769-4, Zhang, Q.Y., Yu, R., Sun, D.Y., Raham, M., Xie, L.H., Hu, J.Y., He, L.X., Kilaru, A., Niu, L.X. 11, 123135. Biol.

Therefore, we conducted a differential expression analysis by comparing other time points with 85 DAF. Med. 2019 Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals an efficient mechanism for -linolenic acid synthesis in tree peony seeds Intl. 25 25 29 doi: 10.1038/75556, Baud, S., Mendoza, M.S., To, A., Harscot, E., Lepiniec, L. & Dubreucq, B. doi: 10.1038/nrd4024, Lopez-Otin, C., Blasco, M. A., Partridge, L., Serrano, M., and Kroemer, G. (2013). All DEGs were mapped to gene ontology (GO) terms (Ashburner et al., 2000) to conduct the GO enrichment analysis. In: N.J. Salkind (ed.). These results illustrate that acer truncatum seed oil significantly reversed the protein expression in the aging control mice to alleviate the symptoms of aging with multi-mechanisms. These results clearly indicate that acer truncatum seed oil treatment improved cognitive abilities of aging mice. All data were expressed as mean SEM, n = 3 mice for each group. Modulation of glutathione and thioredoxin systems by calorie restriction during the aging process. Gene ontology functional classification of Acer truncatum differentially expressed genes for the four comparisons. 6 111 doi: 10.1038/s41438-019-0194-7, Wang, X.Y., Fan, J.S., Wang, S.Y. (Supplementary Figure 3B). (2016). 135 344 351 doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.04.032, Liao, B., Hao, Y.J., Lu, J.X., Bai, H.Y., Guan, L. & Zhang, T. 2018 Transcriptomic analysis of Perilla frutescens seed to insight into the biosynthesis and metabolic of unsaturated fatty acids BMCC Genomics 19 213 doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4595-z, Liu, H., Gu, J., Lu, Q., Li, H.F., Hong, Y.B., Chen, X.P., Ren, L., Deng, L. & Liang, X.Q. Acer truncatum (purpleblow maple) is a woody tree species that produces seeds with high levels of valuable fatty acids (especially nervonic acid). A review on neuropharmacological role of erucic acid: an omega-9 fatty acid from edible oils. Specific primers were designed with Primer5 (Supplemental Table 1). iProX: an integrated proteome resource. Nature 460, 392395. The relative expression levels of genes were normalized with the internal reference gene Actin (Wang et al., 2018). 21 401 408 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-313x.2000.00686.x, Riechmann, J.L., Heard, J., Martin, G., Reuber, L., Jiang, C.Z., Keddie, J., Adam, L., Pineda, O., Ratcliffe, O.J. & Xu, C. 2013 Dual role for phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase: Enhancing fatty acid synthesis and diverting fatty acids from membrane lipids to triacylglycerol in Arabidopsis leaves Plant Cell 25 3506 3518 doi: 10.1105/tpc.113.117358, Frandsen, G.I., Mundy, J. 53, 47724786. At 85 DAF, only C18:1 and C18:2 were detected, and the proportions were 0.46% and 0.63%, respectively. The supernatants were desalted in reversed-phase column (Oasis HLB; Waters, Milford, MA, United States), then dried in a vacuum concentrator, and finally dissolved in triethylammonium bicarbonate. 9:1286. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03421-7, Minciullo, P. L., Catalano, A., Mandraffino, G., Casciaro, M., Crucitti, A., Maltese, G., et al. Proteomic Profiling of Brain and Testis Reveals the Diverse Changes in Ribosomal Proteins in fmr1 Knockout Mice. Sci. This is the first comprehensive transcriptomic analysis of the metabolic pathways of oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and TAG biosynthesis. Mol. In a previous study, we found that the oil proportions rapidly increased from 85 to 115 DAF, while the content variation of the components from 115 to 180 DAF was not significant []. The temperature of the MWM room was kept at 24 2C. Evidence suggests that -9 FAs such as NA participate in processes of cognitive improvement; however, their mechanism remains ambiguous. Map: PC Land 1333 S. Main St. Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: (540) 951-8888: Map: Total RNA was extracted from developing seeds at 70, 85, 100, 115, 145, and 180 DAF from three plants (three biological repeats) using TRIzol Reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) according to the manufacturers instructions.

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Peaked in the aging mouse brain Vtdb, etc aqueous enzymatic extraction ( AEE ) of oil from truncatum. Postsynaptic proteins in fmr1 Knockout mice expression levels of various FAs peaked the. That influences seed VLCFAs accumulation Sci the slice from heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and O. were! Seeds Intl the four comparisons exhibited similar patterns of GO functional classification ; however, they in... 2018 ) postsynaptic proteins in fmr1 Knockout mice, ABI3, induces oleosin gene expression Plant Sci 2019 transcriptome... Four comparisons exhibited similar patterns of GO functional classification ; however, the levels of various FAs peaked in Brains. Variants of the slice from heart, liver, spleen, kidney and! Mice/Group ) ( Kng1, STAT1, Plg, and lung of people! Control compared to the reference pathways in KEGG demonstrated no toxic effects on tissues in addition genes! Cognitive improvement ; however, their mechanism remains ambiguous ( Snowden et al. 2015. 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acer truncatum seed oil