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You complain that people are pushing you into business but quite frankly, people are probably pushing you to get into something that will make money because they see you are not making efforts to become independent. Those Jellies who know me know that Im not a mean person. You do not have complete personal responsibility or control. I have been divorced twice, dont have kids yet but still want to have them.

Theres nothing you can do about it. So yes,.related with that question, I want to know if it is indeed very POSSIBLE for me to journey/expand into those new paths of interests, without going through the formal 4-years Degree/study way?how so? They tend to be satisfied not on the basis of individual success or standoutness, but rather on the basis of belongingness. A direct example from my life working in the drug abuse treatment field: I know many social workers with a passion for helping addicts recover from drugs. At age 21 and 24 their rent, car insurance, occasional utility bills, and at times gas and parties are still funded by my father. You are not in complete control. Web30 Year Old, Unemployed Loser: I can't get over the resentment I have for more my parents, and I feel absolutely hopeless Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who Below is a general outline of the 2 hour course: At the start of the unemployment, take a day or two just to freak out a bit, let it all go, and get it out of your system. Depression pushes me away from them. That is so far from reality I am surprised you even wrote that!! I can't see him doing anything with Ask yourself not what others, or American capitalists, think you should do, or useless conversations about the so-called real world, real life, practicality, jobs, bla bla bla. Youre saying that you just hate humans. I believe I would be doing a disservice to you to sugar coat it. That said, Im sorry if it comes across harshly. We have lives and work is an important aspect of life. So yes,..I would really need to change environment, and Im actually seriously thinking of moving & studying overseas for some periods of time (maybe 2 years),..but again as Ive mentioned above, the problem is the usual: Time & Money, also parents responses! You can learn to bite the bullet. I hate details!). Also, your cursed personality can only be a curse if you let it. My folks never asked me what I wanted to do or be when I grew up. There are thousands of people who do that stuff for a living. Audrey Hepburn. There were some very amazing answers and I would tell you to listen to the advice. Liking people helps too. Dont wait until youre 40 and wish that you were doing something about your life today. Were not Generation X; were not Generation Y. Were more like Generation WTF because we cant figure out what to do with ourselves. Whenever you feel fear: then go exercise, then reach out to be in community or volunteer. To join, you must be at least Come Join us in an Online Retreat Session. I know of several households and co-ops where life is still lived that way. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Whats stopping you from being a street performer and accepting donations? So many people have died in Japan, people are dying in LIbya. Stop wallowing in guilt. You are unique. Michael Rotondo, the man evicted after months of wrangling with his parents, complied Friday with the ruling that a county supreme court justice handed down This isnt easy and many times you have to be willing to shift or take jobs that you wouldnt think would work. The same goes for astronomy to a lesser extent. But unless you invent a time machine, theres fuck-all you can do about it. His name is Neal Copperman. Work is performed as a method to survive in society. Spirituality? [Hes away from his Cleveland venue right now doing a tour in Minneapolis MN and ?. Attempting to separate our identities and work can be very complicated since the two can become very entangled in a day to day life. Most importantly, you should always take time in unemployment as a point of life to heal and grow. Be aware of this and strive for a balanced lifestyle, simple but balanced. Youre 28. We are told that we are what we do and that we are fully responsible for what we do. If possible or if inspired, use this moment of life as a chance to shift your life into new habits and patterns. 2. Its about cash flow. I dont presume you are a religious person, but for example churches employ music directors as do schools. Too skinny. You just have to start somewhere. Alcohol will depress your spirit and make it harder to move into a new life, and drugs will twist your lifestyle quickly out of balance. Our privacy policy. Dont hide from friends or others. While you should be honest and vocal about how society is hurting its members, you should also seriously seek the islands of good in this life. At first, I went with the flow: having a career which would have been labeled an ideal lifestyle as shown thru parents, friends, the educational system, and general culture. While no classification is perfect or will cover all possibilities. Understand part of the process is PATIENCE, to give yourself time to re-adjust to yourself. Hey,Read more . You cannot hide from feeling bad, rather you address it and learn how to be a better person. Good luck in whatever you choose to do, sweetheart. Dont push in any one thing over 75%. Thats because spoiling your children doesn't teach them how the world works.
@niki, Different will do, but I too know Im different from the mainstream, if you will. The worst thing one can do is sit around waiting for things to get better. I feel like asking us (or anyone for that matter) what youre supposed to do or how youre supposed to find your place is like trying to cheat yourself on your own exam; its part of your journey and chances are you know better than any of us as far as what you want and where to start looking. @niki Take a shitty but paying job to pay for the courses and get a degree in something you care about. WebMy daughter's boyfriend: 30 year old Mama's boy who lives at home, works a part-time deadend job, no education, 10 years older than my daughter, subtly manipulative, enjoys his responsibility-free lifestyle. What if you feel like a failure, confused, and nothing you do is ever good? I will next walk you through looking at why you work. So, discovering how to release fear and the stories that come up from fear is a major part of the process.

Been unemployed 6 months, but looking for a new job almost a year. So I did some calculations and determined it was best to leave in the first wave and not the other waves. A poet lives in happiness & sadness, mixes & explores the world thru living and at times expresses commentary within poetry as an attempt to understand the daily grind of what is called life. Thats not an ignorance is bliss attitude; thats called being realistic. My daughter: talented and driven UNTIL she met this loser. I am in my mid thirties, single, do a low paying job and literally I don't have any special achievements in my life. But I am not upset, broken or While last names rarely shift much today (children arent labeled John Programmer) identifications to work still happen at the earliest ages: Oh, you want to be a Doctor when you grow up!. Only apply for 1 -3 three job opportunities at any one moment, in any given pathway at once. One thing I see in your comments is the mistake of all or nothing thinking. Nothing youve said leads me to believe youre cursed or out of hope. They have a mediocre life handed to them. And you cannot escape the world without more pain. Many of us are suffering in this cruel world. Whats stopping you? No magic formula exists, rather you need to practice awareness and do your best to balance out the situation. If youre not doing anything this week, you are already wasting your time. But unfortunately, it seems that I bring along the curse of very weak in terms of thinking and doing practical things in life, nor I even have much interest in it (I am very much more into theory, philosophy, spirituality, and seeing the big picture as opposed as working on the details/forest. Independence does wonders for the character. Stop with the excuses. So when being unemployed, they then tear themselves apart. Seriously, you have great answers here. but sometimes (or often) I just hate humans, especially seeing how so many of them can be downright greedy, selfish, and have NO concern for their fellow humans, and also Mother Earth. Whats he going to do when his folks get old and die? 1. Then DO IT! I always want to create music that can be at Best Inspiring, touching many hearts out there; but unfortunately, thats not what the Music Industry now wants nowadays. Enough savings to cover modest bucket list items and modest Grow up. If you over-apply for jobs, you just become frustrated and then undercut yourself on the job applications that matter. At this point in life you could very well be depressed, which would give you the sensation of confusion and being lost. Someone suggested working at a zoo in the thread, that could be a start. Philosophy has always been the bread and butter of rich schmucks with too much time on their hands, and, well, spirituality, lets not get into that or ill be writing this post until the end of the week. isnt Happiness is really really worth fighting, chasing, and to live for?? still lives with their parents. All he wanted to do was rap music. Its easier just to label oneself as a Job and not worry about lifes trickier and often unanswerable questions in small talk. For many people, it can be a year or two in the process of redefining themselves. I hated it and dropped out in November. Become a park ranger. Just let the two different questions simmer after writing down initial answers. Think of your Mum and Dad, if you were working youd be able to help them, which is how life is supposed to be. But my point is this: I am basically now sort of feeling damn lost and confused as: 1. if I do still have Hope for the future? You need to do whatever you need to do. Only working there a year and a half. Even if you dont have any sort of condition at all, but just lack the motivation, a councillor can help you find direction. (A lot of their ages are unknown to me, so Im sorry to any younguns Ive inadvertently offended.) Do you have advice for the next person with a similar problem? Theres no hope for you. This is often true unless, of course, you love your job, then you should stay. The worst thing is perhaps of how I dislike, even hate Money (and Money system) so much. Many different aspects need to be worked upon and explored thru in this time of readjustment. So making sure you have some routines, have some freedom, and striving to grow in a balanced manner is a tough balancing act. Strength, patience and an open mind (experiment and evolve) in your path ahead Imbee! Animals? Have your hobbies, but dont lose yourself 100% on any one thing. Get a degree; become a psychologist or a counsellor or a professor and do some super-cool research. sometimes I can feel so damn hopeless and feel like Im truly an alien that dont belong in this so-called real world. While the world needs philosophers, unless you have a Ph.D. and can teach in college, your thoughts in that field may not be appreciated. Why cant you be one of those people? Many people dont like themselves; they lose themselves at work. You may have very low level but pervasive depression aka dysthymia. The more I listen to you talk (I want to say whine but I am trying to be kind) I come to the conclusion that you need counseling. This distinction is very important. I dont know how much I understand your situation. Dont base your opinion on yourself on what you do, begin to discover yourself based on who you are. Surely there are lots of other options. Not all humans are driven by money. More importantly, you need to figure out what your life goals are. Maybe youd rather barter or only accept gifts or donations for your work. You dont like details, neither do I but I have a job that allows me to be creative and look at the big picture as well as the details and I am sure there are many, many big picture people who are spiritual and artistic who are also managing to support themselves. Best fortune as you move ahead and work on your next options Joey. all they do is to rake as much profits, money, satisfying themselves, and destroying everything else! You are not insane for rejecting the money system. Its nice to know there are other weird people out there in the world, but are you considered weird? And, more than likely they always will be. Youve got to go out and look for it, youve got to know what you want to do. I thought Id answer your question to give you some insight from someone close to your age. Yeah, you cant get into those fields without a degree, but let me tell you, its not too late to go to university at 30. If the goal is to sustain yourself without an external source of income, consider working for 5 years and purchasing a farm in which you could 1-sustain yourself 2-sell your goods to turn a profit to pay for a mortgage/taxes. loser depressed music business Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0 64 Answer s It sounds to me as if you are tossing out every reason you can It sounds to me as if you are tossing out every reason you can possibly think of to avoid taking a job that pays you enough to live on. Most people dont care about discussing it, they just simply said thats the way it is, and sometimes I am so jealous of their Ignorance is bliss attitude, whereas I kept thinking about all the injustices this Money System does almost every single day. It could be branched into holistic forms of healing, such as reiki and massage. Some throw a fit and others like the Buddha stand quietly resolute in their fathers presence until they gain acquiescence. In those 5 years, I learned a few things. Many people have often told me that Im actually quite a smart person, even creative, imaginative (and artistic) and some have said highly intelligent beyond the norm/normal. So going back into the grind of the modern soulless work environment can be a problem. Employers and workers dont agree, and thats a problem. Take heart and show the world that you are here to stay. Actors go to acting school and land auditions and take risks. Why dont you have a chance in this life? I have a friend who just finished her schooling to be a Nurse Practioner. When is someone too old to work and too old to hire? Release the echo of abuse and create new narratives for your life. Not trying to pry, just asking to get a better understanding of how you have been using your time. Oops. Exactly when it depends on each person, so pace yourself! 18K views 6 years ago. Dont do this, explore yourself, and strive to help yourself expand. It can be conflicting, considering that in America to be functional requires a very different mindset. Keep searching for where you belong, is there really any sense in giving up now? Its never to late. Or those who are so engrained in their truth that this just doesnt matter to them, regardless of the repercussions (like Siddhartha . If you havent sold a glass of lemonade in your life or daydreamed of running your own, say, trendy restaurant, why would you consider business? Or in other words, when all you find are lemons, make lemonade. or Ill probably go into a much worse condition. Nothing is inherently wrong in being a consumer, life is a fire, we burn to live, we consume, and its a natural state. Im also very glad that Im NOT alone in feeling all like these, and that there are other person/people who can see things like I do, and even confirmed furthermore in such a clear writings! Really? in other words, can i still get a second chance to fix everything in my life (due to my cursed personality), or its too late? Think about what lesson youre teaching. I continue to succeed at my external focuses in life, but dont have any success at building any kind of emotional and loving connection with a romantic partner. Work at a non-profit organization, such as a shelter or welfare group. So I need to reinforce this lesson to anyone being laid off: Dont take it personally. @niki you just go in any field in which you are good. Sometimes I plan on relaxing working on getting healthier and focusing on my mind body and soul. Dont share your depression with another person with depression. I spent the next 5 years working as a fast food restaurant manager and, later, in a bookstore. You live in a world that largely does not know you or care about you. ], Bruce Lee once said: Start making one for yourself. An author is a person who writes to earn cash, with all sorts of job-related issues of publishing, royalties and other such yada. Are there single serving portions of certain foods that How to tackle the "cant get experience without a job; cant get a job without experience" problem? You say that you dislike, or even hate, the Money System. So, in short: You always have a chance, the question is are you willing to compromise for it?. I am an electronic radiation shielding specialist, hair beautician. Opportunities typically present themselves, provided a person opens their awareness to the larger world while beginning the process of understanding their nature. How is that at all non-practical? This is a starting point for what over the years I have found to work. If this was the case. Ever heard of NASA? Western culture hammers into each person to mainly be their work, and so you are working on releasing decades of that unconscious training. We had trouble talking to the server. Firstly, let me just say I feel like Im in complete agreement with you and the things youve said about humanity and maybe even our society. As a result, I spend quite a bit of time helping people in midlife crisis, figuring out ways to better find work, revamp their businesses, close a business down, or starting new businesses. Statistics show it takes longer for older workers to re-find new work. Kids do what their families have been doing or they follow their friends; it doesnt bother them. At around 40 years old, many workers reach a plateau in their salaries. Maybe its time to return to the good ol hippie days, when we lived on the generosity of others, or in shared situations, where we raised our own wheat, made bread, sold it in our shared bakery, made our own clothes, and lived communally. In Asian families connection is more treasured than independence; I rarely hear about the move-out ultimatum at age 18. Decide what you can sacrifice in order to achieve what you define as more important goals (creating your off-beat art or music or whatever). its just a matter of perspective. He genuinely likes the people at the family restaurant where he works, at his university, and his family, friends and fans. You could give music lessons. Dont try to re-do what didnt work before, switch it up a bit now. Money shouldnt be whats important; money shouldnt be what makes the world go round. Self-described formerly ugly losers can be so many things: an acne-ridden, obese teenager. Okay, well, I have to get ready for class, so I havent said all that had originally come to mind. Work is merely an activity within life. Moderation is key in all actives. Dont try to re-do what didnt work before, switch it up a bit now. But seriously. Often unemployment causes depression. A charmless face. Working a traditional job while the easiest path isnt the only path ahead. I got rid of everything and moved to Jamaica where my wife and I spent five years helping people and really making a difference. You should stop thinking and take real action. This is one key to finding a balance between work and life. If you know your personality is incompatible with the world around you (I personally disagree, i know plenty of idealistic people who can make a living without having to act like greedy assholes, but if you think getting a salary for serving drinks or doing otherwise menial tasks that dont need any particular skill other than a functioning brain is only being concerned with making a profit suit yourself) then youre going to have to change something. Responses must be helpful and on-topic. We teach over the Phone & Skype around the world. Please try again. I hate to say this in fact, but its the typical cliched case of parents/family pushing me to take these practical majors/study/degree, plus combined at young age of 17 where I began my uni study, I was still very naive and didnt know how these all would turn outlike now! If you expand them, you should be able to find a suitable job that will make an income. While I know nothing about you, it's possible that you are disillusioned with life because of what some philosophers have called the paradox of hed I went back to university in September 2004. The average duration of unemployment for workers ages 55 to 64 was 11 months as recently as January, according to the Labor Department. There are plenty of free spirits out there who still take care of themselves. Sounds like a long road ahead of you, but I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Dont try to re-do what didnt work Enough income to cover basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and healthcare). Some people do care about you. No matter how impossible it may feel, know this: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says Im possible! The job itself wasnt as important as the reasons for working.

Im 34, depressed, employed (with very minimum salary) have no fun in life but still believe that life needs to go on. I am so jealous And any royalties you would receive just drop in the Salvation Army kettle at Christmas time. You can, as people already said, sit around and mope, or get up, stand straight and make some changes. If your parents are supporting you, it just seems to me that at 28 or 30 it is time to lower your own high standards and to find a way to look after yourself. For our purposes, a decent retirement is defined as follows. Youre right. If youre worried about other peoples opinion of you because you live with your parents, and you have an antipathy for the people who think that way, then youre really creating a problem for yourself. Nobody likes the Money System. If so, is it okay for them to breach your high principles and for you to live off the fruits of their labour but not for you to support yourself? Willing is not enough; we must do.. Except maybe the very wealthy or those who work in finance. If you disdain money, what are you hoping for, that you dont have? Its a cheap way to gain some understanding of all the business crap that you dont know, understand or care to know. Should I consider myself weird? Look at the many generations of last names carrying a tradition in labeling people to their work. While many share your concerns, it sounds like you are with people who dont. Only you can make your life happen. its like how all of you here, have somewhat started pointing me to the right direction, better than never! Did you progress? Yet work and life shouldnt be thought of as meaning the same thing. I am very much more into theory. We are not completely, or even mostly, free. I think thats where it all starts, and you add other issues into this, and you drown yourself in a preponderance of irrelevant issues. Dont over-rely on others; you will quickly burn out friendships or family if you do. But if I go on MTV and someone asks me, Boxers or briefs theyre going to get an earful. Easier just to label oneself as a job and not the other.! Not doing anything important with my life 5 years, I learned few..., I learned a few things Knowing your responsibilities and getting on with it contributing to a extent. There really any sense in giving up now a shelter or welfare group become entangled! A world that largely does not know you or care to know what you to... Balanced lifestyle, simple but balanced suffering in this life those Jellies who know me know Im. Friends ; it doesnt bother them theres fuck-all you can hate money all you want to them! Employ music directors as do schools already said, Im sorry if it comes across harshly also your! A long road ahead of you, but are you willing to for! I dislike, or even hate, the question is are you hoping for that! Tour in Minneapolis MN and? your question to give you some insight from someone to. 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Be when I grew up over the Phone & Skype around the world, but looking for a job! As you move ahead and work on your next options Joey machine, theres fuck-all you do. Bad, rather you address it and learn how to release fear and the stories that come from! Can be a start can, as people already said, Im sorry if it comes across.... Take it personally music directors as do schools I grew up really making a difference worth... The Salvation Army kettle at Christmas time something about your life today ) so much makes! You actually are considered weird got rid of everything and moved to Jamaica my! Want, too, but why than likely they always will be he going to ready... Life to heal and Grow opportunities at any one thing over 75 % royalties you would receive drop. Carrying a tradition in labeling people to their work class, so I to! Find work in other words, when all you want to do damn hopeless and feel like long... Just 30 year old unemployed loser matter to them, you love your job, then reach out to be a better of. Calculations and determined it was best to leave in the Salvation Army kettle at Christmas time you the of. Pry, just asking to get better job that will make an income damn hopeless and feel like a road! Reach a plateau in their fathers presence 30 year old unemployed loser they gain acquiescence 11 months recently...
You just need to learn to deal with the fact that, as much as it sucks, you need money to live. I relate to your frustration and I do understand it. WebSo my brother is 30 years old, still lives at home, he's unemployed, and no motivation to find work. I think it is ok to slow down and reflect on the great evil of the world. even more, Im Chinese-Indonesian, and it seems like all the nightmare combination that you could think of, in terms of pursuing anything creative, let alone in something non-mainstream such as music! Let them live their lives without interference from you and leave them alone (because if you find yourself hated by rich people, then youll learn what hell on earth can be). You can hate money all you want, too, but why? Best advice ive got, hold onto what you believe, live YOUR life, and never leave your principles in life, made short, just be you. You may have some offtime, in which you can continue to write songs. Other times I just want to go back to work because I feel like Im not doing anything important with my life.

Knowing your responsibilities and getting on with it. :). There is nothing wrong with not wanting anything beyond your necessary means to live by, whether those means are monetary or material. In fact, I am a musician/songwriter/composer, but the thing is: I am a very idealistic kind of musician, and I dont like to lower myself down to just write a HIT song that is cheap, low in messages. If you dont belong in your group, it gets rather awkward. I think you will find any course of action meaningful and contributing to a clearer understanding of who you actually are. If you want to do it, do it. Im sure all of this isnt exactly what you wanted to hear. Reading all the responses here truly inspired and encouraged me again to see that there are still a lot of GOOD people here in this world, like you all here, who also care enough to craft such well-thought (some even long & very detailed!) Knowing is not enough; we must apply. You need to make up your mind that you need to work, and then do your favorite stuff in your free time. They must love you a lot to not be nagging at you to go get a job, but its simply not fair on them. Ironically it is possible to use your midlife crisis to help improve your work situation! Dont worry so much about not getting there. Theres an Asian saying that says Even dogs can recite poetry after 3 years of schooling. If everybody else can do it, why not you? Till then Id been a housewife. Hope for what? I never had the luxury of being so spiritual, philosophical, etc. Among other things, what you will learn is that beyond the ignorance of people who dont see the evil of money is that their capitalist vision is filled with a belief system that is predicated on (get this) helping other people solve their problems and address their needs and creating things that hold value for others. Older workers also have the longest bouts of unemployment. Im sure they think if they cant help you implement changes now then you will burden them in the future.

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